25 de abril de 2017

List: Spanish BJD sculptors / Recopilatorio: Escultores BJD españoles

List of spanish sculptors who make Ball Jointed Dolls and links to their websites.
Listado de escultores españoles que hacen sus propias Ball Jointed Dolls y los links a sus webs.

Anhais Studio
Atelier Momoni
Custom Lovers
Flamenco Naranja
Goblin Tales
Iridescent dolls
Ken no Kokoro
Les Belles de Jour
Little Cosmos Dolls
Lydia Studio
Magic Mirror
Merry Doll Round
Mishi's Dolls
Nymphaery Tales
Orange Tea Dolls
Sensei's Dolls
Vasilisa's Dolls
Will o'Wisp Dolls